I waited two years for what I saw last night by viewing Star Wars The Last Jedi. I was a little disappointed that they killed off Han Solo in The Force Awakens as I think Chewy and him go hand and hand. As much as I missed seeing Harrison Ford alongside his partner in crime I had waited patiently to see what the Luke Skywalker character would bring to the cinemas in these new installments. Without spoiling the film, I think Luke opened up a whole new chapter of films with the way things ended. I'm anxious to see what's next for these Star Wars characters and hope that even though Carrie Fisher is gone to a galaxy far far away they can still continue to bring her character back in the next chapters. I know that there is a Han Solo movie in the works that I'm really excited to see in the next year or so. I would say that Han Solo is the character I identify with the most and wish they would have had a flashback to him in this film at least. A lot of great things took place in this 2.5 hour Star Wars flick and I can't wait to own it on Bluray. I give the film 4.5 out of 5 the .5 is because I wanted more of a nod to Harrison Ford's character but overall I really enjoyed Star Wars The Last Jedi and can't wait to see it again.